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Frank_ud - expert for MetaTrader 4


At least one position is opened in each direction. First, open two counterpositions with minimal volumes. One of them becomes profitable, whereas the second one loses, of course.

The profitable one will be closed by TakeProfit, and the losing one will be strengthened (by adding lots) at a certain interval. If the trend continues to go in the same direction, strengthen it again. The trend will turn earlier or later.

Every step of strengthening is mde with doubling of the volume, so, after the trend has truned, the last losing position closed by TakeProfit will cover everything with a positive result. Then the operations start with the same: opening with the minimal volume and then step by step as described above.

The initial deposit must be sufficient to cover all necessary steps. The volume on USDCHF ranged from 0.1 to 25.6 (Since February, there have been 9 strengthening steps made 4 times - 4 figures against the trend), so there is a need to have starting deposit of $50000 or more.

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