The optimized variant of the Kaufman's Adaptative Moving Average by wellx - indicator for MetaTrader 4
The optimized variant of the AMA indicator by wellx. The original had undergone optimization in December 2006 to allow it to be usable in Expert advisors. The unoptimized version consumed resources and allowed to perform/optimization of an EA containing calls to the AMA in a reasonable time.
Its appearance is the same as the original.
It is possible to "feel the difference" in the testing speed using a simple expert.
//| TestAMA.mq4 |
//| Rosh |
//| |
#property copyright "Rosh"
#property link ""
extern int AMAtype=1;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
if (AMAtype!=0) Print("Use the optimized indicator");
else Print("Use the original version of the indicator");
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| expert start function |
int start()
double val;
if (AMAtype!=0) val=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"AMA for Expert2",0,1);
else val=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"AMA",0,1);
If the external variable AMAtype=0, then use the original, if not zero, use this indicator.
Download link :The optimized variant of the Kaufman's Adaptative Moving Average by wellx
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