Straddle&Trail - expert for MetaTrader 4
Expert Advisor Straddle&Trail.
Input Parameters:
extern bool ShutDown.NOW=False; // If true ALL POSITIONS (open and/or pending) will be closed/deleted
// based on "ShutDown.What" flag below
// This parameter is the first on the list so the user can access it
// as quickly as possible.
extern string sStr00=" 0=Everything ";
extern string sStr01=" 1=All Triggered Positions ";
extern string sStr02=" 2=Triggered Long ";
extern string sStr03=" 3=Triggered Short ";
extern string sStr04=" 4=All Pending Positions ";
extern string sStr05=" 5=Pending Long ";
extern string sStr06=" 6=Pending Short ";
extern int ShutDown.What=0;
extern bool ShutDown.Current.Pair.Only=True; // If true, ALL trades for CURRENT pair will be shutdown
//(no matter what time frame).
// If False, ALL trades on ALL pairs will be shutdown.
extern string sStr1="=== POSITION DETAILS ===";
extern double Lots=1;
extern int Slippage=10;
extern int Distance.From.Price=30; // Initial distance from price for the 2 pending orders.
extern int StopLoss.Pips=30; // Initial stop loss.
extern int TakeProfit.Pips=60; // Initial take profit.
extern int Trail.Pips=15; // Trail.
extern bool Trail.Starts.After.BreakEven=true; // if true trailing will start after a profit of "Move.To.
//" is made
extern int Move.To.BreakEven.Lock.pips=1; // Pips amount to lock once trade is in profit
// by the number of pips specified with ""
// Unused if Trail.Starts.After.BreakEven=False
extern int; // trades in profit will move to entry price + Move.To.BreakEven.
//Lock.pips as soon as trade
// is at entry price +
// i.e. Entry price on a long order is @ 1.2100
// when price reaches 1.2110 (Entry price + "")
// the ea will lock 1 pip moving sl
// at 1.2101 (Entry price+ "Move.To.BreakEven.Lock.pips=1")
extern string sStr2="=== NEWS EVENT ===";
extern int Event.Start.Hour=12; // Event start time = Hour. Broker's time.
extern int Event.Start.Minutes=30; // Event start time = Minutes. Broker's time.
extern int Pre.Event.Entry.Minutes=30; // Number of minutes before event where the ea will place the straddle.
// If set to 0, the ea will place the straddle immediately when activated,
// otherwise xx minutes specified here before above Event start time.
extern int Stop.Adjusting.Min.Before.Event=2; // Minutes before the event where the EA will stop adjusting
// the pending orders. The smallest value is 1 min.
extern bool Remove.Opposite.Order=True; // if true, once the 1st of the 2 pending orders is triggered,
// the opposite pending one is removed otherwise left as is.
extern bool Adjust.Pending.Orders=True; // if true, once the pending orders are placed at
// "Pre.Event.Start.Minutes" minutes before the event's time,
// the ea will try to adjust the orders ONCE EVERY MINUTE until
// "Stop.Adjusting.Min.Before.Event" minutes before the release where
// it will stay put.
extern bool Place.Straddle.Immediately=False; // if true, the straddle will be placed immediately once the
// expert is activated. This overrides previous 'News Events'
// settings for placing the long and short pending orders and
// in that case, the positions WILL NOT BE ADJUSTED.
// This is to be used as a "quiet" range breakout, for example if we
// want to play a "regular" breakout during Asian Session for example
// or at any other time of the day where the market is rangebound
Test Parameters:
- Symbol: EURUSD.
- Period: M5.
- Model: All ticks.
Test Chart:
Download link :Straddle&Trail
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