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Exp_Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed - expert for MetaTrader 5


A trading system based on the signals of the Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed indicator. A signal to perform a deal is formed at the close of a bar if the color of the indicator candlesticks changes from blue to red or vice versa.

The Expert Advisor uses the compiled indicator file Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed.ex5 for operation. Save it to <terminal_data_folder>\MQL5\Indicators.

Note that the TradeAlgorithms.mqh library file allows using Expert Advisors with the brokers who offer nonzero spread and the option of setting Stop Loss and Take Profit during position opening. You can download more variants of the library at the following link: Trade Algorithms.

Default Expert Advisor's input parameters have been used during tests shown below. Stop Loss and Take Profit have not been used during the tests.

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